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週二 10月 11, 2011 5:28 pm
版面: Ski技術討論區
主題: Annual virtues
回覆: 2
觀看: 3199

回覆: Annual virtues

Heavenly sports' labor-day weekends tent sales, of course. Got myself a pair of used demo carvers, Salomon Xwing Tornado, so I have something new to play with in the coming season. It is my first carving skis, carving on carving boards should be exciting, interesting. What do you do for your annual ...
週五 4月 22, 2011 8:28 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

PSBoy 寫:Just curious what are the major advantages of 'quiet upper body' and how to do this?
A simpler explanation is that any upper body movement will affect the lower body/legs/skis.
週三 4月 20, 2011 6:13 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

skier888 寫:Do you know where is Mike Rogan?
I believe he is at the Heavenly Ski School --right where you are:

YouTube - Heavenly Ski School - Mike Rogan
週二 4月 19, 2011 2:31 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

skier888 寫:The question is the technique used for carving applicable in other situations?
What do you think, you tell me :face (3):
週二 4月 19, 2011 2:28 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

Too much upper body up down movement is not good on bumps. The Japan moguls is too hard for the body but the bumps on North America is much more forgiving. Just you still haven't try to ski with us.

The video I post should be a CSIA level 4 according to what he wears and the links from- BCPRO ...
週二 4月 19, 2011 2:04 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

TFR is not fast, correct or not? ..........

Yes, 'TFR' is just a technique and need not be fast skiing. But, PMTS basically promotes carving turns, and that involves speed.

Just came back in February skiing in Courchevel, France, and the French ski instructor (French instructor license is one ...
週二 4月 19, 2011 11:56 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

TFR is not fast, correct or not? What it does is to challenge your thinking on what is your center. Remember you need to have the tips move down hill first. It also challenges you to not make involuntary (rotary) movements. You only have slight counter in the beginning to work with. You have to be ...
週二 4月 19, 2011 7:12 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing
回覆: 166
觀看: 52600

回覆: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing

CSIA actually has over 20,000 members:

週一 4月 18, 2011 7:10 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

I had HH's first VHS video tape, yes tape, that came out years ago, "Anyone can be a Expert Skier". I have been trying to learn the PMTS way though I was trained the CSIA way. I have all HH's DVDs.

Some of you may not know that PMTS is at odds with the PSIA (EpicSki). The basic criticism from HH is ...
週日 4月 17, 2011 5:10 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: What is good skiing
回覆: 7
觀看: 3299

回覆: What is good skiing

skier888 寫:It is too sticky for certain activity. I barely clear a jump with my twin tips. I have to get out my carver to do it. The twin tips is in the shop now and I have a bad huck neck :face (6): It is day like this that steep shines and I am looking forward for more :face (328):
Where do you ski?
週日 4月 17, 2011 12:05 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

skier888, I tried to PM you, but received this message:

skier888 選擇了不接受私人簡訊或者沒有接受私人簡訊的許可權。因此您不能給他(她)發送私人簡訊。
週日 4月 17, 2011 11:57 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

Maybe for certain school, but not all schools think that way. The path the skis travel is different from the path body travels. Is there torque caused by there difference in paths? Torque can be canceled if you know how to do it.

Yes, the path that skis travel is different from the path the body ...
週日 4月 17, 2011 12:22 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

What you said here. You can hold it and not let it affect your skis and let out at the right time

I made some changes to my previous post while you just replied.

Basically I said, "... that You will feel that your right leg is being 'pulled' to turn right (though you may try to hold it, but ...
週日 4月 17, 2011 12:04 am
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

Mostly or basically true but...

upper body can help control edge angle so it also depends on what you want to achieve. The torque can be stored and not released. How much you can store will depend on your strength. It is like yoga. A good yoga practioner can balance on one foot when the body all ...
週六 4月 16, 2011 7:35 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

For short radius turns, the body is to face the fall-line all the time because it is the direction one is travelling while the skis are turned 'below' you
週六 4月 16, 2011 7:25 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

...until ready for direction change.
週六 4月 16, 2011 7:21 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Quiet Upper Body
回覆: 57
觀看: 20538

回覆: Quiet Upper Body

beg 寫:I think the upper body should face to the direction you going.
What you said is true.

In medium or long turns, the body should face the direction of your travel. Otherwise, there will be a toque exerted to divert your ski's line of travel.
週五 4月 15, 2011 12:10 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing
回覆: 166
觀看: 52600

回覆: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing

skier888 寫:This guy's line skiing rips and he is fast :face (330):
The video does not call it 'line skiing', and we should not use the term if it is only 'coined' by Taichiskiing
週五 4月 15, 2011 12:06 pm
版面: Whistler 技術討論區
主題: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing
回覆: 166
觀看: 52600

回覆: Turn Skiing and Line Skiing

taichiskiing 寫:Don't speak too soon; actually, it is you who is behind curve,

If the world Skiing body has such terms that is fine, but from you? :face (50):