“賴驢打滾”?對,“支點”在背上‧你還是不知道“支點”是什麼,你的“平衡”不會穩的,那也是你滑雪“溫”的原因。norman 寫:所以你也忘了,自己本身身體也能產生臨時支點的力量。
版主: norman
“賴驢打滾”?對,“支點”在背上‧你還是不知道“支點”是什麼,你的“平衡”不會穩的,那也是你滑雪“溫”的原因。norman 寫:所以你也忘了,自己本身身體也能產生臨時支點的力量。
你該不會是根據我以為說的一些練法去猜的吧?在背上?taichiskiing 寫:“賴驢打滾”?對,“支點”在背上‧你還是不知道“支點”是什麼,你的“平衡”不會穩的,那也是你滑雪“溫”的原因。
你滑雪滾翻到了最後躺在地上喘氣,你身体的支點是在背上‧而你想你身體的“中心”在那,為什麼它可以支持你的身体不摔?你可知道為什麼你會摔跤?是說到時候摔跤你都不知道是怎麼摔的‧這是樣本,你知道這 skier 是為什麼、怎麼摔的?norman 寫:你該不會是根據我以為說的一些練法去猜的吧?在背上?
taichiskiing 寫:這個台灣來的滑雪人的的知識、技術、風度真會把我們的 Norman 羞死‧〔只是笑話,我們的 Norman 怎麼會被“羞死”?〕
http://www.epicski.com/t/111976/please- ... st_1455667
Really good skiing.
20120228 大晴天 Hakuba Goryu & 47 - YouTube
taichiskiing 寫:這個台灣來的滑雪人的的知識、技術、風度真會把我們的 Norman 羞死‧〔只是笑話,我們的 Norman 怎麼會被“羞死”?〕
http://www.epicski.com/t/111976/please- ... st_1455667
Really good skiing.
20120228 大晴天 Hakuba Goryu & 47 - YouTube
How's his skiing? For the "eyewitness account."snowrider 寫:TheRusty is a L3 trainer at my home resort. He is L3 on skiing, and L3 (or L2 I forgot) on snowboarding.
His skiing is good (PSIA L3 is very difficult to achieve). 現在我寫中文所以老美看不懂 他在我們那裏不是最厲害的 (我的幾個老師都比他還厲害許多)taichiskiing 寫:How's his skiing? For the "eyewitness account."
滑得很好,好日式的滑法,看起來是個個子少而年輕人taichiskiing 寫:這個台灣來的滑雪人的的知識、技術、風度真會把我們的 Norman 羞死‧〔只是笑話,我們的 Norman 怎麼會被“羞死”?〕
http://www.epicski.com/t/111976/please- ... st_1455667
Really good skiing.
20120228 大晴天 Hakuba Goryu & 47 - YouTube
Can you explain about Rusty's comment, he talk about the separation thing. Does he want seperation or less seperation. Hope you can clearify for me, thanks!snowrider 寫:TheRusty is a L3 trainer at my home resort. He is L3 on skiing, and L3 (or L2 I forgot) on snowboarding.
snowrider 寫:His skiing is good (PSIA L3 is very difficult to achieve). 現在我寫中文所以老美看不懂 他在我們那裏不是最厲害的 (我的幾個老師都比他還厲害許多)
他說他才拿到 ASPI level 1 執照,不過你們這些教練級的滑雪,無論那一個糸統,滑起不是都差不多?我是看不出來他是澳式、日式、加式或是美式‧不過他看起來還年輕,在滑雪上應該還可以有些作為的。pku 寫:滑得很好,好日式的滑法,看起來是個個子少而年輕人
taichiskiing 寫:我記得沒錯的話,他應該才拿到 L3 沒有几年,他的建議通常很“科班”/沒有很強,所以好奇;對,PSIA L3 通常都是很強的滑雪高手,你想他比下面的影片如何?
Heavenly skiing: local hotdogs II, Ricardo, Olympic Downhill, Heavenly - YouTube
pku - Yes, I agree that his skiing is very Japanese.pku 寫:滑得很好,好日式的滑法,看起來是個個子少而年輕人
I think that he wants to see both turns (right and left) in same degree of separation.pku 寫:Can you explain about Rusty's comment, he talk about the separation thing. Does he want seperation or less seperation. Hope you can clearify for me, thanks!
I ski with a Australia L2 recently but his skiing far from this person. I can't tell if this persona man or lady.taichiskiing 寫:他說他才拿到 ASPI level 1 執照,不過你們這些教練級的滑雪,無論那一個糸統,滑起不是都差不多?我是看不出來他是澳式、日式、加式或是美式‧不過他看起來還年輕,在滑雪上應該還可以有些作為的。
20120228 大晴天 Hakuba Goryu & 47 - YouTubesnowrider 寫:pku - Yes, I agree that his skiing is very Japanese.
His video is quite long, I only saw the first one earlier and the good snow is the first thing I noticed. I think the hard snow he is still doing well. He seems to be playing with some kind of short turn, his pole plant is too forceful from my point of view and those maybe why his form changes. He is aft quite often but I think that is not the problem if he is doing the Korean or maybe the Japanese style where this type of extreme move is quite common from the videos I have seen. The problem is that hs is not able to shift his balance forward fast enough. He is having fun playing with the rebound from the skis.pku 寫:20120228 大晴天 Hakuba Goryu & 47 - YouTube
Hakuba Goryu 硬雪面 carving與short turns - YouTube
apsi.net.au - YouTube
After reading the article epic forum more carefully and watch the few videos he post. It looks like to me that the first video is shoot on very nice snow because the second video he post on the harder snow, he form change shape.
He is very into carving but also carving is more for good condition if one doesn't really get to a really high level since the speed and the pressure built up on icy condition is impossible to handle unless one is really really good or with a strong racing background.
It seems to me that his goal is quite hard to achieve especially his Japanese skiing style.
One more thing about his carving turn is the way he drive his hand forward at transition. Looks like he try to imitate racer blocking the gatebut it looks really awful
He did say more is better because he said right turn is better than left. He also say shoulder should level more which means more separation.snowrider 寫:I think that he wants to see both turns (right and left) in same degree of separation.
He did not mention more separation is better or less is better. (But I believe that a good skier should be able to manage his separation in accordance to what the skiing condition needs.)