Taichiskiing - I arrived home last night. I will start working on the videos from my GoPro and Jack's Contour next weekend. I think that the DVD will be ready within two weeks. I'll keep you posted.
#42 回覆: Lake Tahoe Trip
發表於 : 週一 2月 13, 2012 2:32 pm
由 beg
snowrider 寫:beg - Thank you! I came back home last night. It was a nice trip, especially that it was very enjoyable to ski with Taichiskiing. He is really a Taichi master. I could not believe until I skied with him. To put in simple words, Taichiskiing has probabaly the best balance of all skiers that I've ever seen, and his skiing is hundreds times better than walking.
你的短彎應該沒有問題,不過,沒見你滑饅頭,所以不知道你點杖如何;你的長彎也可以,只是以carving來說,你需要加強你的"tipping"/立沿的動作(angulate first before you move your feet; you're kind of moving your feet first, which destroyed the carving edges' function, and the turning causes you to skid a little)‧你要是照著norman的建議加強你的Up-unweighting的話,你的升級檢定就死定了—morden shaped skis skiing doesn't "fashion"/流行 up-unweighting‧
taichiskiing - Thanks for the feedback. I'll try my third attempt in the end of this month. If I cannot pass the exam this season, PSIA will have more requirements next season (NASTAR Silver and Children Specialist) for L2 certification. It will become harder and harder.
#48 回覆: Lake Tahoe Trip
發表於 : 週二 2月 14, 2012 2:18 pm
由 norman
snowrider 寫:謝謝弱慢大師的分析 讓偶慢慢來看
#49 回覆: Lake Tahoe Trip
發表於 : 週二 2月 14, 2012 2:22 pm
由 norman
taichiskiing 寫:
你的短彎應該沒有問題,不過,沒見你滑饅頭,所以不知道你點杖如何;你的長彎也可以,只是以carving來說,你需要加強你的"tipping"/立沿的動作(angulate first before you move your feet; you're kind of moving your feet first, which destroyed the carving edges' function, and the turning causes you to skid a little)‧你要是照著norman的建議加強你的Up-unweighting的話,你的升級檢定就死定了—morden shaped skis skiing doesn't "fashion"/流行 up-unweighting‧
snowrider 寫:Taichiskiing - Thanks a lot for shooting so many videos for us, and I appreciate so much about your help when our group was in Tahoe area. It really makes me feel that I want to go back Tahoe to ski with you again and again in future years.
This video clip showed our first run of the first day on Olympic trail, so I skied relatively conservative. You see that I cruised most of the time and did not apply much pole planting.
Thanks for coming to Tahoe to ski with me. Sorry for the weather didn't cooperate, but you guys did get to ski the sunny California, that's a plus, maybe you can write a trip report on how/what you guys do on skiing Northstar and Kirkwood so to show Norman what a "real" skiing endeavor is? Anyway, glad that you guys enjoy the trip and skiing, and thanks for let me show you guys around, and yes, we can do that again, and again...
'later, :)
#51 回覆: Lake Tahoe Trip
發表於 : 週二 2月 14, 2012 9:27 pm
由 taichiskiing
snowrider 寫:taichiskiing - Thanks for the feedback. I'll try my third attempt in the end of this month. If I cannot pass the exam this season, PSIA will have more requirements next season (NASTAR Silver and Children Specialist) for L2 certification. It will become harder and harder.
Then you really need to study how to "tip the edges" as shown on this clip,
snowrider 寫:taichiskiing - Thanks for the feedback. I'll try my third attempt in the end of this month. If I cannot pass the exam this season, PSIA will have more requirements next season (NASTAR Silver and Children Specialist) for L2 certification. It will become harder and harder.
The skiing is pretty nice. The area norman is talking about is obvious from the video but it may not be entirely technique. Do you have your boots fitted?
#54 回覆: Lake Tahoe Trip
發表於 : 週三 2月 15, 2012 12:06 am
由 skier888
norman 寫:就說你舉那例子太複雜,而我的原文就有舉下面這個例子,你完全沒看完我的文章及裏面我張貼的影片嘛,我只是貼不出影片視窗而已,有連結不會點嗎?
skier888 寫:The skiing is pretty nice. The area norman is talking about is obvious from the video but it may not be entirely technique. Do you have your boots fitted?
skier888 寫:The skiing is pretty nice. The area norman is talking about is obvious from the video but it may not be entirely technique. Do you have your boots fitted?
skier888 - Thanks. I bot my Lange boots from a pro shop. The boot fitter said that they fit well and did not need custom liners. My Lange boots are very tight. They are very hard to get in, but they make me feel good once my feet are in.