taichiskiing 寫:Springboard 4-15-2012 - YouTube
No problems whatsoever, good skiing. What is "跣動"?
"跣動"? Skidding
版主: norman
taichiskiing 寫:Springboard 4-15-2012 - YouTube
No problems whatsoever, good skiing. What is "跣動"?
IMHO, a little bit icy is actually good for practicing and learning because it requires more acurrate execution of the engaging and releasing of skis. Therefore, if my movement has any problem, it will be magnified on icy slopes. When I was preparing for L2 skiing part, a L3 guy told me that the best way to get better is to practice running gates. (Note that they made the racing course kind of "icy".)pku 寫:I always heard about the blue ice on the East coast but I don't think I am going to ski there. But the snow spray was also because of the speed and the steering ( edging and turning )
I'll email you all the other guys ski
pku - I got your email. Yes, I agree with you that "most of the ski hills are pretty gentle on the East coast". I said that the condition you had was actually a good condition in our east because I wanted to say that you guys were lucky to have big and good resorts nearby. I don't have that luxury to have that big mountain and good condition most of the time here.pku 寫:I always heard about the blue ice on the East coast but I don't think I am going to ski there. But the snow spray was also because of the speed and the steering ( edging and turning )
I'll email you all the other guys ski
這坡度,這速度,這流暢性,滑的是太好了,我真的是自愧不如,只有被指教的份。另外同問什麼是“跣動”。pku 寫:一般滑雪人都很害怕冰面( 包括我在內),在壓雪冰面道最容易滑下來是,最難是有韻律地用小彎把速度控制著下來。因挖制只差小小,便有很嚴重的後果,最常見是越滑越快,雪板強烈跳動,因壓力越來越大。跣動是最簡單的方法解決以上問題, 以下是上星期天在一條二十多度的冰面壓雪道拍的,今個雪季最冰的一次。我也滑得很緊張,所以背比正常彎多了。請指教指教。
Springboard 4-15-2012 - YouTube
wedeln 寫:這坡度,這速度,這流暢性,滑的是太好了,我真的是自愧不如,只有被指教的份。另外同問什麼是“跣動”。
我覺得左彎比較理想,是因為你在入彎的時候身體的重心已經放在彎裡面了,這時候你上身下身成一條直線和雪面垂直,這樣重心正好落在彎裡面(可以參考這張圖,第13幀比如 http://cdn.epicski.com/d/d8/d8998154_DP07numbered.jpg ),這樣一來你的inclination就做的很好,右腿走的彎也很順暢。
最後我還觀察到的是點杖,你的POLE SWING做的很漂亮,但還是有少許不對稱,左手點後,杖尖會飛起到大約你的腰部那麼高,右手點後杖尖就基本在雪面上一點,我覺得右手點的比較理想,看起來兩手用的力不一致,根本原因估計還是和左右彎出彎角度不同有關係。
wedeln - 你是住歐洲嗎?wedeln 寫:由於我家旁邊的小雪場海拔比較低條件差所以我大部分時間都在玩壓過的雪道,復活節去瑞士正好碰上大雪,滑了新粉雪和下了很陡的蘑菇,被折騰的半死,看到你下雙黑蘑菇的視頻真是羨慕的很。
目前還在歐洲,下個雪季應該也在吧,呵呵估計很快就沒雪滑了。snowrider 寫:wedeln - 你是住歐洲嗎?
我初學在德國上的課,後來去法國跟一位BASI L4上了幾天課,把我批的一塌糊塗,每天都在改動作,這個雪季由於沒機會找那位L4所以一直沒上課,搞了個GOPRO和別人互拍,回來就琢磨自己的動作,EPIC倒是經常上,我是典型的眼高手低,羨慕你們在北美的課程豐富啊。snowrider 寫:wedeln - 你的觀察極其入微 已經超越了一般 recreational skiers 的水平 這要不就是 你恢常的聰明以至於自學便能領悟到 要不就是 你上過恢常多的課
Thanks for the explanation. Well, skidding is a sensible way to ski icy trail. I skid on ice (for maximum braking power), and carve only on soft snow (for speed). There's a reason why so many people like "spring skiing," because there are no icy spots on the whole mountain, you can carve whatever way you like. But imo the most difficult terrain is the ice and loose snow mixed, like groomers in the afternoon. If it is a consistant surface, be that icy, powders or moguls, they are still easy to handle, as there's kind of one way/technique fits all type of skiing; whereas "ice and loose snow mixed" you really have to be on your toes at all times to slide with the ice and be ready to absorb the soft snow/bumps afterward, so I develop a method just to stay within the soft snow. People complaining and thinking that I was faking it with loose powder.pku 寫:"跣動"? Skidding
哈哈 當高手碰到低手時都是這樣 - 怎麼看怎麼不對wedeln 寫:我初學在德國上的課,後來去法國跟一位BASI L4上了幾天課,把我批的一塌糊塗,每天都在改動作,這個雪季由於沒機會找那位L4所以一直沒上課,搞了個GOPRO和別人互拍,回來就琢磨自己的動作,EPIC倒是經常上,我是典型的眼高手低,羨慕你們在北美的課程豐富啊。
下一個雪季 偶們已經計劃好了去 Vail group 的幾個雪場滑wedeln 寫:目前還在歐洲,下個雪季應該也在吧,呵呵估計很快就沒雪滑了。
法國雪場還是不錯的,票不貴,吃的還蠻好吃。snowrider 寫:下一個雪季 偶們已經計劃好了去 Vail group 的幾個雪場滑
下下個雪季 偶們可能會第一次去歐洲滑
果然利害,分析得這麼detail ,一眼便看出我右腿強,左腿弱。wedeln 寫:這坡度,這速度,這流暢性,滑的是太好了,我真的是自愧不如,只有被指教的份。另外同問什麼是“跣動”。
我覺得左彎比較理想,是因為你在入彎的時候身體的重心已經放在彎裡面了,這時候你上身下身成一條直線和雪面垂直,這樣重心正好落在彎裡面(可以參考這張圖,第13幀比如 http://cdn.epicski.com/d/d8/d8998154_DP07numbered.jpg ),這樣一來你的inclination就做的很好,右腿走的彎也很順暢。
最後我還觀察到的是點杖,你的POLE SWING做的很漂亮,但還是有少許不對稱,左手點後,杖尖會飛起到大約你的腰部那麼高,右手點後杖尖就基本在雪面上一點,我覺得右手點的比較理想,看起來兩手用的力不一致,根本原因估計還是和左右彎出彎角度不同有關係。
太客氣了extensa5210#gmail.compku 寫:果然利害,分析得這麼detail ,一眼便看出我右腿強,左腿弱。
先謝過你的分析。希望我日後可改進。如你可把電郵給我,我可多給你我們的片給你。我自問眼力差你太多。英國的L4的水準很一般,在歐洲 Austria Swiss France German 都很強,
I've never been skiing on Europe so don't really comment but I watch the Basi video and the domonstration are not very good.wedeln 寫:太客氣了extensa5210#gmail.com
I thought you mean chatterpku 寫:"跣動"? Skidding
I will describe a specific, and simple steps to flex to releasewedeln 寫:這點我同意,是收腿而不是下蹲,下蹲就是增加壓力了。
你下一篇說的冰面那還好吧?還能讓雪板跳動勒,就說我滑的那個是「滑」,就算再快,雪板也不會跳動的那種冰面,當我沒滑過那種會讓雪板跳動的冰嗎?那種冰面你穿雪板在綠線上側走還能上得去,我那天去小叮噹的那雪面就是側走你也走不上去,是不是我應該拍一段側走不上去在坡上滑倒,你才相信那冰面真的是很光滑的?pku 寫:這麼一點長度的坡,速度控制不需理會,就算冰一點也不用完全跣動,你技術未到家就未到家。我們技術未到家滑不好便繼續苦練,你技術未到家只會吹牛認屎記屁,找藉口不去滑雪,冇膽明對現實
Whistler got huge vertical and a lot of time is good snow on top , icy on the middle part and a bit slush at the bottom . This year there is lots of snow but then it's very hard to get to the top because white out all the time . When sunny day come , the line up is huge. Right now snow melt and get frozen again so the ungroom is terrible .snowrider 寫:pku - I got your email. Yes, I agree with you that "most of the ski hills are pretty gentle on the East coast". I said that the condition you had was actually a good condition in our east because I wanted to say that you guys were lucky to have big and good resorts nearby. I don't have that luxury to have that big mountain and good condition most of the time here.