some skiing exercises

由一群 whiltler 朋友主持的技術討論區

版主: norman

文章: 1962
註冊時間: 週日 3月 14, 2010 1:57 pm

#1 some skiing exercises

文章 skier888 » 週日 4月 22, 2012 12:35 pm

最後由 skier888 於 週日 4月 22, 2012 12:40 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。

文章: 3821
註冊時間: 週日 5月 30, 2010 1:02 pm

#2 回覆: some skiing exercises

文章 pku » 週一 4月 23, 2012 1:32 pm

I do elliptical machine in the gym for around 40-50 minutes and some weight training for 30-45 minutes including around 60-90 rep on the AB machine. Usually 3-4 times a week

My training is more general but still help my skiing quite a bit
最後由 pku 於 週一 4月 23, 2012 1:36 pm 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。

文章: 1962
註冊時間: 週日 3月 14, 2010 1:57 pm

#3 回覆: some skiing exercises

文章 skier888 » 週一 4月 23, 2012 2:03 pm

pku 寫:I do elliptical machine in the gym for around 40-50 minutes and some weight training for 30-45 minutes including around 60-90 rep on the AB machine. Usually 3-4 times a week

My training is more general but still help my skiing quite a bit
That is the second type of my routines.

The routines I mentioned here are skiing specific. I think you will agree that if you can't do these on dry land, you won't be able to have the range of movements required on snow. It is beneficial to know that I already have the range and strength on snow. This way, I can focus on technique when on snow. Most of the videos here have to do with core/hip/independent movement of the different part of the body. I don't do all of them everyday. I go thru an eval process every few weeks with my instructor to discover my weakness or weak side and design a program to address my weakness. The other type is for strength like you mentioned and I go thru a similar process too.

The motivation behind this is to get more repetition without being on snow which is what is required to become expert. I think I start to sound like norman but the difference being this requires a lot of time/repetitions to see result. We are talking about hundreds of hours if not thousands.

文章: 3821
註冊時間: 週日 5月 30, 2010 1:02 pm

#4 回覆: some skiing exercises

文章 pku » 週二 4月 24, 2012 12:41 pm

skier888 寫:That is the second type of my routines.

The routines I mentioned here are skiing specific. I think you will agree that if you can't do these on dry land, you won't be able to have the range of movements required on snow. It is beneficial to know that I already have the range and strength on snow. This way, I can focus on technique when on snow. Most of the videos here have to do with core/hip/independent movement of the different part of the body. I don't do all of them everyday. I go thru an eval process every few weeks with my instructor to discover my weakness or weak side and design a program to address my weakness. The other type is for strength like you mentioned and I go thru a similar process too.

The motivation behind this is to get more repetition without being on snow which is what is required to become expert. I think I start to sound like norman but the difference being this requires a lot of time/repetitions to see result. We are talking about hundreds of hours if not thousands.
I won't care too much on one's method of training. The most important is the result. As long as your way work well for you, keep doing.

I like more general excises. When skiing, I'll focus a lot on fixing my bad habit but won't give up fun. I try to ski as fast as I can most of the time. I make short radius turn all the time so my speed won't be too fast.

一邊滑,一邊玩,一邊改壞習慣。The result may not be too efficient but it works.

文章: 1962
註冊時間: 週日 3月 14, 2010 1:57 pm

#5 回覆: some skiing exercises

文章 skier888 » 週二 4月 24, 2012 1:16 pm

pku 寫:I won't care too much on one's method of training. The most important is the result. As long as your way work well for you, keep doing.

I like more general excises. When skiing, I'll focus a lot on fixing my bad habit but won't give up fun. I try to ski as fast as I can most of the time. I make short radius turn all the time so my speed won't be too fast.

一邊滑,一邊玩,一邊改壞習慣。The result may not be too efficient but it works.
I don't have a lot of skiing hours like you so this is one way for me to make it up. I also don't get free instruction so the exercise help me get more out of a lesson when I have one.
